
hold me closer,
let me be...
hold me closer,
let me go away...



-- HOME --

wpeople are people

fidget and murmur
flown into the night
undoubtedly a girl
ct suicide
aruchi queen
call it pointless
in between panels
screwed up li'l angel
shoot me up, baby!
it takes two to tango
tambucho tales
mad cow
urban dreamer
bliss personified!
GX Superstar

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wTuesday, July 03, 2001

(MOTD) = Crazy Town - Butterfly

/me eats up... catches up on skipped dinner last night

YESTERDAY. Was late again for OCS. Good thing MJ beeped me a few minutes before I decided to leave for school. I was so damn klutzy when I got there... having my grip slip out on the Toblerone bar MJ handed me before PR class, & having tuknene sauce smudged over the left corner of my mouth when Kathz, Marky, Bhabes, & Cel saw me in the cafeteria. Nah, it's OK anyway. Lack of sleep sure makes people doggone slow & stupid.

Nihongo class turned out to be pretty super. Can you just imagine the luck I'm having in this class? My past fucked-up recitations went UNrecorded, so... you do the math! YAHOOHEEHEYYYYY!!!! \o/ Now I'm really getting the hang of it all! The lessons are coming on easy... all I have to do is to be less distracted & more attentive. My chances for passing FL 411 this sem are up again!

I talked to Dad the moment I got home. It was nice how unwinding with him outside felt great. You see, I told him almost everything that was happening to me... my school fuss, woes with friends - even my loser love life! Like he cares. But somehow he does, & that's what all that matters.

TODAY. Reinstalling usual programs & setting up files in new order isn't a breeze. WinMe has its downsides too, but oh, what the heck?! WinMe still is keWL!

Spent time with Kathz, Marky & Bhabes again at the cafeteria. Good thing I had no film & computer class to worry about. I rewrote my lectures on PR & FL, made chika with my kumpareng Kuya Joel, & brooded over things.

posted by Andalusia at 7/03/2001 07:35:00 AM
